What We provide Our Clients

We generate two essential documents on a monthly basis to keep you informed about your account status: the Monthly Spreadsheet and the Account Activity Summary.

The Monthly Account Activity Summary is a comprehensive document providing crucial account information, detailed instructions for bill payment, and a comprehensive overview of any issues related to Insurance activity. It also includes pertinent details about any other policies held by the client.

Our commitment to accuracy is reflected in our meticulous review of all provider bills. Any discrepancies are promptly addressed, and if necessary, we initiate the process of filing for review. Furthermore, we take the responsibility of filing your claims to supplement insurance companies, cancer policies, indemnity policies, and other relevant entities. Our dedicated team ensures that necessary follow-ups are conducted, including making proactive phone calls to optimize your insurance coverage and resolve any issues efficiently. Rest assured, our goal is to maximize the benefits of your insurance coverage while keeping you informed and in control of your financial well-being.

New Client Set-up Form (PDF)
Getting started with Medical Claims Processing (PDF)

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